Legacies of Veridocia: The Dark Dominion


World Synopsis

} Combat Mechanics ~

Character Compendium



Turns and Marking


Items and Inventory


Levelling and Promotion

Statistics and Status

(Paid Services)

Advisor Services

Revive- In the event of a character defeat, the advisor can, once combat ends, bring them back from the brink. This must be paid for, however. And there are two ways to pay:

1.   You pay gold, at the rate of 10 x total character level of the fallen hero, and the character is Shaken (Cannot grant or use friendships for 5 combat rounds)

2.   You pay using the party EXP pool. You pay a flat 25 XP to revive unpromoted heroes, or a flat 50 to revive a promoted hero. If paid for this way, the hero is not Shaken.

Cure- Two ailments cling onto a character permanently until cured: Poison and Petrification. The advisor can cure both. Using cure always costs a flat 20 gold, regardless of whether you’re poisoned, petrified, or both.

Shop Services

Sell- you can sell unwanted items back to any shop. They will give you 25% of the buy price for any items you sell, or 75% if it’s a rare bird.

Deals- occasionally, a shop will have something special on offer, not available anywhere else. Grab them while you can, because once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Repair- items that have a magical use sometimes crack, bend, warp, smoke or otherwise become close to destruction. If you can find a shop, they can repair the item for 25% of the item’s buy price.

Recharge- items that have a magical use can crack, bend, warp, smoke or otherwise become close to destruction after any amount of uses. It might be after 100 uses, or it might be after the first. Provided your item isn’t damaged, you can pay to have the item recharged. Recharging an item gives you a certain number of free uses where the item will perform with no risk of damage. For 25% of the item’s buy price, you can buy 2 charges. For the full buy price, you get 6. You can’t buy multiples of the cheaper option to gain more charges. Most magical items aren’t cheap though. It can get pricey. Bear that in mind.

Sharpen Weapon- you can pay a weapon shop owner to temporarily sharpen your weapon. For 25% of the weapon’s buy price, you add 10% (Minimum 1) of the weapon’s ATT power to itself for the duration of the next battle. For 100% of the buy price, you add 15% (Minimum 2) of the weapon’s ATT power to itself for the duration of the next battle. You can’t buy the cheaper one multiple times to get 20%. If you want 20%, you have to pay the full price.

Mithril Smith

Towards the end of the game, a specialist weapon smith can be found. He can make very special weapons provided you have the money and mithril to fund the custom job. There are three tiers of Mithril weapon:

C. Costs 5000 Gold and 1 Mithril

B.  Costs 10000 Gold and 1 Mithril

A.  Costs 10000 Gold and 2 Mithril