Legacies of Veridocia: The Dark Dominion


World Synopsis

} Combat Mechanics ~

Character Compendium



Turns and Marking


(Items and Inventory)


Levelling and Promotion

Statistics and Status

Paid Services

This game makes use of the Shining Force 3 inventory system. You have 4 item slots on your character. In addition to this, you have two equipped slots; one for your weapon, and one for an accessory. When you equip a weapon or accessory, it is removed from your inventory, freeing up the space it once occupied for you to hold something else. This gives you a little leeway when carrying multiple types of weapon.

When items are dropped by enemies, unlike earlier Shining Force games where the dropped item either vanished or went to the Deals section of the shop, here they will behave like Shining Force 3, where you will get the choice to drop something you’re carrying to acquire the dropped item, or discard it.



Here is a list of all of the consumables that can be found during the game.


Restorative Items

Healing Herb- Heals 10 HP, cures Bleed 1

Healing Seed- Heals 20 HP, cures Bleed 2

Healing Drop- Heals 40 HP, cures Bleed 3

Healing Water- Heals all HP, cures Bleed 4

Healing Rain- Heals all allies’ HP, cures Bleed 4

Mystic Dew- Restores 10 MP, cures Addled 1

Mystic Tear- Restores 20 MP, cures Addled 2

Mystic Draught- Restores 40 MP, cures Addled 3

Mystic Elixir- Restores all MP, cures Addled 4

Mystic Shower- Restores all allies’ MP, cures Addled 4

Antidote- Cures Poison and Burn

Angel Dust- Cures Petrification, Dispel, Blindness and Confusion

Divine Feather- Flees the current battle (May come with consequences)


Stat Boosters

Liquid Courage- +3 ATT

Tough Jerky- +3 DEF

Nimble Nut- +3 AGI

Slice of Life- +4 HP

Food for Thought- +4 MP

Running Radish- +2 MOV

Golden Apple- +100 EXP to the party EXP pool

Aged Mead- +4 ATT, -2 DEF

Crispy Bacon- +4 DEF, -2 AGI

Sugary Soda- +4 AGI, -2 ATT

Mighty Milk- +2 ATT, +2 DEF, +2 AGI

Sweet Candy- +4 HP, +4 MP


Weapons are grouped into types. Generally speaking, each character can use two types of weapon, though there are one or two exceptions. Below is a list of each weapon type, and common characteristics held by most weapons of that type:


Blade - Melee, High Damage.

Katana - Melee, High Damage, +CRT

Spellshot - Melee + Medium, Elemental

Sword - Melee, +CNR

Arrow - Medium + Long, +CRT

Mace - Melee, Shock

Rapier - Melee, +CRT, +DBL

Shuriken - Medium Range, +DBL

Axe - Melee, Bleed

Lance - Melee, High Damage, +DEF

Spear - Melee and Medium Range, +EVA

Wing - Melee (Winged), +EVA, +DEF

Claw - Melee, +CRT

Knife - Melee + Medium, +EVA, +CNR, +DBL

Glove - Melee, +CNR

Staff - Melee, +DEF

Wand - Melee, +Affinities, Spell


Weapon Characteristics

Range: Melee (1 space, i.e. adjacent), Medium Range (2 spaces), or Long (3 spaces)

High Damage: Increased minimum damage roll. All damage rolls deal between 75% and 100% of ATT-DEF. This attribute raises the 75% to something higher, depending on the strength of the weapon, effectively raising your minimum damage.

Elemental: Adds an elemental damage multiplier to all damage done with this weapon. First it applies your own elemental affinity, and then applies your target’s elemental affinity. If your affinity is greater than theirs, you deal more damage. If theirs is greater than yours, you deal less damage. Elemental also grants a chance to apply the relevant elementally linked status ailment to the target.

Affinities: Raises or lowers certain elemental affinities depending on the theme of the weapon.

Spell: Typically comes with a usable magic spell

Shock: As the status effect. See Statistics and Status

Bleed: As the status effect. See Statistics and Status

+DEF: Bonus Defence

+EVA: Bonus Dodge chance

+CRT: Bonus Critical chance

+CNR: Bonus Counter chance

+DBL: Bonus Second Attack chance


Weapon Levels

Carried over from the Shining Force 3 system is the concept of weapon experience (WXP). As you use a type of weapon, you earn weapon experience. It has been simplified and repurposed for its use here. Now, any attack or spell that deals damage will grant you 1 WXP, and a kill will grant 2 WXP, as opposed to Shining Force 3’s damage-based formula.

You start at weapon level 0, and when you reach a higher weapon level, two things change:

1: You add a Weapon damage modifier to your damage. Final damage values are increased by 10% for each weapon level you gain.

2: Your critical hit evolves. This is a simplified representation of Shining Force 3’s Weapon Specials system, except you develop your own Critical attack.

At weapon level 0, all critical attacks deal +25% damage.

At weapon level 1, you get to add one of the following:

·       +25% Critical Damage

·       Elemental Critical – choose one element. Your critical strikes are composed of this element. You get +10 to your affinity with that element for resolving your critical.

·       Ailment – Your critical inflicts a guaranteed status Ailment. Choose one of the following:

o  Bleed**

o  Poison**

o  Burn**

o  Addled*

o  Dispel

o  Shock*

* Damage/Effect level increases with weapon level. Equipping a Mithril weapon raises the damage level by 1)

** You may only choose one of these. Picking one prevents you from ever adding a second.

·       Debuff – Your critical strike applies one of the 4 debuff effects to your target.

·       Buff – Your critical strike applies one of the 4 buff effects to yourself.

At weapon level 2, you can expand on previous choices, or add additional effects:

·       +25% Critical Damage

·       Elemental Critical – choose one element. Your critical strikes are composed of this element. You get +10 to your affinity with that element for resolving your critical. If you already chose this at level 1, you may not choose a second element: you instead add an additional 15 to your affinity for the purpose of the critical.

·       Ailment – add a new ailment. You may choose any ailment that was available at weapon level 1, as well as the following:

o  Freeze

o  Daze

o  Blind

o  HP Drain (Heal HP by 10% of damage dealt)

o  MP Drain (Heal MP by 10% of damage dealt)

·       Debuff – If you chose a debuff at weapon level 1, you can increase its effectiveness. You cannot select more than 1 debuff.

·       Buff – If you chose a buff at weapon level 1, you can increase its effectiveness. You cannot select more than 1 buff.

Weapon level 3 finalises the effectiveness of your crit:

·       +25% Critical Damage

·       Elemental Critical – choose one element. Your critical strikes are composed of this element. You get +10 to your affinity with that element for resolving your critical. If you already chose this at level 1 or level 2, you may not choose a second element: you instead add an additional 15 to your affinity for the purpose of the critical. If you chose this at both level 1 AND level 2, you add an extra 25 to your chosen affinity when dealing a critical.

·       Ailment – add a new ailment. You may choose any ailment that was available at weapon level 1 and 2, as well as the following:

o  Confuse

o  Petrify

o  Deathblow (Can only occur on the first critical hit during an attack roll)

·       Debuff – If you chose a debuff at weapon level 1, you can increase its effectiveness. You cannot select more than 1 debuff.

·       Buff – If you chose a buff at weapon level 1, you can increase its effectiveness. You cannot select more than 1 buff.



Any item can be given to the GMPC for safe keeping, provided it is done out of combat. Stored items go into a limitless bag, and can be retrieved when needed, again as long as it is done out of combat. Storage is inaccessible during combat, and if the GMPC is unreachable.