Legacies of Veridocia: The Dark Dominion


World Synopsis

} Combat Mechanics ~

Character Compendium



Turns and Marking


Items and Inventory


(Levelling and Promotion)

Statistics and Status

Paid Services

Gaining Experience (EXP)

In previous forum games, EXP was a per-character measure of levelling up. Because of the nature of Shining Force, this led to some characters being easily left behind unless they made questionable combat decisions, or were ‘babied’. Gaining EXP works a little differently in this game. For one, EXP is only awarded upon a kill now, rather than on hit and kill. The amount earned for defeating an enemy of equal level to the players is now 35 EXP, and is modified up or down by 5 for each difference in level. The maximum earnable is still 50.

The major departure for this game is that EXP is no longer a per-character statistic, but is instead a party-wide EXP pool. Anyone that earns EXP adds it to the pool, and anyone can benefit from it. Once the pool exceeds 100 EXP, an end-of-turn roll is made for each party member to determine if they qualify for a level up. If the dice roll is below the current party EXP value, and the character earned some EXP this turn, then they can spend 100 of the party’s EXP fund to gain a level. If several players qualify, the one with the lowest roll earns the level up. If no one qualifies, either because of the dice rolls, or because no one gained EXP, then no level up can be awarded.

Once a character is a level above the average party level, they cannot qualify for another level up until everyone else has reached the same level. This way, they can still fight and earn EXP for the party. They will just earn 5 less per kill because of their higher level.


Other means of earning EXP:

·       Healing: 10-20, depending on percentage of health healed.

·       Buffing/debuffing/Inflict or cure Status Effect: 5 per successful application. Max. 20.

·       Golden Apple: 100 EXP. Can either be added to the pool to give everyone a roll at levelling up, or can be awarded directly to the consumer.


This party approach is intended so that it prevents questionable tactical decisions such as kill stealing or ‘babying’, and allows everyone to act how they feel they ought to in order to win, rather than worry who gets what EXP.


Levelling Up

Once you’ve been given a level up, the GM will (usually) ask you to roll 4 or 5 d11s to determine your stat gains for the level up. They will then be plugged into the pre-defined growth curves to calculate the stats that will be awarded. The GM may occasionally roll them for expedience.



Once your character reaches level 10, they can no longer gain levels until they speak to the party advisor in a safe place and ask for promotion. Once done, your character will be promoted to the a fighting class specified in your submissions, and will be able to equip more advanced weapons – and in some cases, change weapon classes.

Promotion will also bring some additional benefits, which are as follows:

·       +5 to any 4 of your elemental affinities, with the exception of your elemental weakness.

·       Body and Mind bonuses. One happens upon promotion, the second at level 10, and the third at level 20. Values vary depending on the curves specified by the GM at character creation.

·       +5 Critical and Double Attack rates.

·       Counter and Evade: +2 if Low growth, +3 if Medium growth, +4 if High growth.